First there's Jackson, Liv's twin brother. He has a mohawk. Per Liv, "he's funny; he's a good joke teller; he's a very good brother; and he's fun to play with."
Jamy is the older sister. She is in college. She is often not at home.
Jackson's been around for a while now (I think since Oct. of last year). Although he's not a constant (in that he's mentioned every single day) she does take him seriously as evidenced by the below drawing she did for school where she was asked to draw a picture of her family. (What I want to know is why I don't have a body. What's up with that???)
Liv tends to bring Jackson up at random times. Last weekend when I took Liv to get her haircut I overheard her tell the hairdresser that she has a brother. And then the other night she asked me out of the blue where Jackson was.
Jamy is a more recent development. She doesn't come up in conversation as often as Jackson. When she does it's more often in the form of an announcement like "Jamy is going to a party" or "Jamy is over at a friend's house".
It took a little getting used to these two being brought up from time to time but the idea of them seems harmless enough. What I do find unsettling is the fact that she picked names that both start with the letter 'j'. Is she a Duggar wannabe?
So, Jamy is in college? You must have been a baby when you had her. Spector told me about Jackson and Jamy, but he wasn't sure how long they had been around.
I can completely relate to this. When I was little, I had an imaginary brother named Robert (my dad's middle name - I think that is how my subconscious decided on it) and sometimes a sister named Tanya. I used to pretend to have parties with them in my backyard. I made up their voices and everything.
This is totally normal behavior for an only.
Guess I'm lucky to be her grandmother whose name begins with "J"--scary! I was also an only child but not as creative.
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