Saturday, December 06, 2008

Totally Not Feeling It

Took Liv to the Newman Y's Breakfast with Santa this morning. If it looks like we were in a bar it's because we were, sort of. It was held at Applebee's.

Liv was not pleased for a number of reasons:
  1. having to wake up early;
  2. having to endure the lounge act of an elderly woman that should never have been given a microphone (although it was quite comical when, in the Xmas Trivia part of her act, she picked on Xoc because "he looks like a mathematician"); and
  3. having to endure the sight of Santa, whom Liv refused to meet.
I think the only things she liked were the pancakes and when I suggested we get the hell out of dodge in response to her not wanting to see Santa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Priceless--a picture is worth a thousand words!!